Signs Your Child Might Have Hearing Loss
Many of us associate hearing loss with the elderly, but the condition can – and does – affect people of all ages. Approximately three out of every 1,000 babies are born with hearing loss in Louisville, and the number of teens and adolescents diagnosed with a hearing impairment is on the rise, thanks in large…
Hearing Loss FAQ’s
Have you recently been diagnosed with hearing loss in Louisville? If so, you’re likely to benefit from hearing aids. New users are bound to have lots of questions about these devices. Don’t worry – we’ve got answers! The following FAQs are ones your Louisville audiologist encounters most often. WHAT IS A HEARING AID? A hearing…
Good Girls and Boys Shouldn’t Get Noisy Toys
In just a couple of weeks children in Louisville will be eagerly unwrapping gifts beneath the Christmas tree. Let’s just hope that Santa and his elves keep in mind the dangers presented by certain toys. We’re not just talking about choking hazards, either – did you know that some toys can prove hazardous to your…
TIN-ni-tus or ti-night-tus? Either way you pronounce it, our ears are ringing
Tinnitus affects roughly 20 percent of the American population. Tinnitus is defined as the perception of sound where none is actually occurring. Its impact on our quality of life ranges from a minor nuisance to a major impediment and the perceived sound may be temporary or persistent. Many describe the sound as ringing, chirping, whooshing,…
Christmas comes early as Heuser Hearing & Language Academy Provides Long-Time Employee with a Car
Media Contact: Madison HardyJ Wagner 235-9887 WHAT: Aileena Maureena Kennedy, better known to the students and staff at Heuser Hearing & Language Academy as “Smiles” has received a very special Christmas gift this year. Aileena has been working for years for Jefferson County Public Schools Nutrition services. She is based at Engelhard Elementary, but…
Louisville Scientist, Stuart Zober leaves major endowment gift which has been used to help create “STREAM” (Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Art, Math) Lab For Heuser Hearing & Language Academy.
Media Contact: Madison HardyJ Wagner 235-9887 (November 26, 2018) – Due to the kindness of Louisville scientist Stuart Zober the Heuser Hearing & Language Academy is proud to open their brand new “STREAM” Lab. STREAM stands for Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Art & Math. The traditional STEM curriculum has been modified at Heuser to…
Adult vs. Pediatric Hearing Aids
Many people associate hearing loss with older individuals, but in reality, it affects people of all ages – even children. About 2-3 out of ever 1,000 children in Louisville are born with hearing loss, and roughly 15 percent of children in Kentucky experience hearing impairment to some degree. Fortunately, the majority can be treated with…
What is Central Auditory Processing Disorder?
Parents in Louisville can attest to the difficulty in raising children nowadays. It is even harder when your child experiences learning difficulties. Often the signs point to hearing loss, but in some cases, the culprit is actually a behavioral disorder known as Central Auditory Processing Disorder, or CAPD. The Symptoms of CAPD If your Louisville…
Heuser Hearing & Language Academy Teacher, Katie Fromholt, Named “2018 Exceptional Child Education Jefferson County Public School Teacher of the Year”
Media Contact Madison Hardy | J Wagner Group 502.235.9887 Cell FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Heuser Hearing & Language Academy Teacher, Katie FromholtNamed, “2018 Exceptional Child Education Jefferson County Public School Teacher of the Year” LOUISVILLE, Ky. (November 7th, 2018) – Heuser Hearing & Language Academy is proud to announce that Katie (Massey) Fromholt has been named…
Why Am I Dizzy?
October is National Audiology Awareness Month. You may be surprised to learn that your Louisville audiologist does more than stick a lighted scope inside a patient’s ears. Audiologists are responsible for the diagnosis, management, and treatment of not only hearing loss and tinnitus, but disorders of the balance system, as well. If you’re one of…
Grant Proposal for Pediatric Telemedicine Study
On October 3, 2018, Dr. Maria Kondaurova submitted an internal University of Louisville EVPRI grant titled “Telepractice in pediatric speech-language therapy: characterization of patient, parent and provider vocal interactions.” The collaborative project between the University of Louisville, Heuser Hearing Institute and the University of Kentucky will examine the quantity and quality of speech between a speech-language…
When Hearing Aids Need Assistance
Hearing aids help millions of individuals with hearing loss in Louisville and around the country hear better and communicate more effectively. But there are certain situations in which amplification has its limits. In these instances, hearing impaired patients may benefit from the use of assistive listening devices. Less Than Ideal Environments for Hearing Aids Hearing…
Dr. James Shehorn published in The Hearing Journal
Dr. James Shehorn, Research Audiologist, was recently published in the The Hearing Journal for his work regarding age-related hearing loss and difficulty hearing high pitches. Several hearing aid manufacturers have developed a strategy called frequency compression that compresses high-pitched sounds into lower pitch regions to restore audibility of those sounds. The study found that frequency…
Celebrate Your Favorite Movies at the 4th Annual “Butterflies in Motion” Luncheon Supporting Heuser Hearing & Language Academy.
(October 3, 2018)- Held at the Brown Hotel, this unique fundraiser attracts some of the city’s most gracious and creative hosts and hostesses and challenges them to create a movie-themed table while inviting their guests to participate in the theme through their own wardrobe or accessories.Butterflies in Motion supports Heuser Hearing & Language Academy here…
Hearing Tests for Children
We often think of hearing loss as a condition that affects only older adults, but in reality, no age group is immune – not even children. Statistics show that 2-3 out of every 1,000 babies in Louisville are born with some type of hearing impairment, and others can develop a loss during their toddler years….
Kentucky Comes Together on October 13 to Walk4Hearing
BETHESDA, Md. – The Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) invites you to join us on October 13 for the 2018 Kentucky Walk4Hearing. Now in its second year, the Kentucky Walk4Hearing brings together people with hearing loss and their families and friends to raise awareness and support others with hearing loss. The theme for this…
Most Popular Hearing Loss Treatments
If you’re looking for hearing loss treatment, Louisville offers a wide range of solutions. What works best for you or your loved one depends upon the type and degree of hearing loss and how early it was detected. Regardless of these factors, a number of services and treatments have proven to be especially popular for…
Shannon Kisselbaugh recognized in the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy’s Forty Under 40 list
WASHINGTON, D.C., (September 4, 2018) – Shannon Kisselbaugh from Heuser Hearing Institute in Louisville, Kentucky has been included in the inaugural Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP) Forty Under 40 list. The Forty Under 40 program is designed to recognize the future leaders within the health care philanthropy community. AHP is honoring these 40 young professionals…
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (August 28, 2018) –Taking place at Heuser Hearing Institute in Louisville KY, Fund for the Arts announced today a multiyear, million-dollar grant from Kosair Charities to create arts education programming and experiences for children across the Greater Louisville region. The grant was unveiled at a joint press conference on Tuesday morning. This grant…
How to Recognize Hearing Loss in Infants
Hearing loss is difficult enough for adults to handle. It can be especially problematic in babies, who rely on their hearing from the moment they are born. Hearing plays a crucial role in a child’s social and emotional development and is necessary for their speech and language skills. Untreated hearing loss in infants can lead…
Brad and Carla Sue Broecker Named 2018 Philanthropists of the Year
2018 Philanthropists of the Year by the Association of Fundraising Professionals Greater Louisville Chapter Congratulations to Brad and Carla Sue Broecker for being named 2018 Philanthropists of the Year by the Association of Fundraising Professionals Greater Louisville Chapter! They will be honored at the National Philanthropy Day Luncheon on November 16 at the Hyatt Regency…
Soccer and Hearing Health
What do spoons have to do with soccer and hearing health? Read on to find out! World Cup 2018 – Spoons of Victory! The World Cup begins June 14 and will run until mid-July. The tournament is hosted by Russia and games will be played across 11 cities. While you can expect rowdy and loud…
Can Hearing Aids Help Your Career?
Hearing loss is really common; more than 48 million people in Louisville and around the country are currently suffering from it. Even though it affects nearly 20 percent of the population, it is often still stigmatized. Because of that, it should come as no surprise that only about 20 percent of those with hearing loss…
What is Noise Pollution?
Excessive noise can put your health and well-being in danger, according to the World Health Organization, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and even the U.S. Census Bureau. So what constitutes excessive? Noise Pollution Excessive noise, also called noise pollution, is the unwanted or disturbing sounds all around us. Typically, they are caused by construction equipment and transportation,…
Let’s Celebrate Better Hearing & Speech Month!
This May, join Heuser Hearing Institute to celebrate Better Hearing & Speech Month. Founded by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) in 1927, the month-long event was created to raise awareness about hearing loss and speech disorders. In 1986, President Reagan issued a formal proclamation designating May as the official month to heighten public awareness about…
Spring is here! Are your ears ready?
The flowers are in full bloom and the birds are chirping. That could only mean one thing – it is finally spring! With this season comes the required protections. Gloves protect your hands while gardening. Sneakers protect your knees while on long walks in the park. But what do you do to protect your ears?…
Tips for Sleeping Better with Tinnitus
Tinnitus, also known as a ringing in the ear, is a common condition experienced by nearly 50 million people in Louisville and around the country. While hearing a ringing is common, many also experience a hissing, roaring, whooshing or buzzing in one or both ears. What Causes Tinnitus? Tinnitus is a symptom, rather than a…
Are There Hearing Aids Just For Kids?
It seems like almost everything has a kid’s version counterpart. Toothpaste? Check. Shampoo? Check. Bikes? Check. Hearing aids? Check! While untreated hearing loss is problematic for adults, it can be harmful to a child’s development. Their understanding of language and social skills as well as learning and behavioral abilities are dependent on their ability to…
Why Research Is So Important
The only way new treatments and technologies are developed is through research. Audiologists today have a much better understanding of hearing loss than they did even 10 years ago. Each year, hundreds of studies on hearing loss are conducted in laboratories around the world. Our very own group, the Heuser Hearing Research Center (HHRC), conducts,…
What is a Speech Disorder?
A speech disorder occurs when a child has trouble producing certain sounds. According to your Louisville expert, speech disorders can be broken down into different categories depending on the nature of the problem. Speech disorders include: Articulation disorders. The child has trouble with certain syllables or pronounces words incorrectly to such an extent that it…
Hearing Aids Can Help Date Night
Looking for low key date ideas this Valentine’s Day? Why not go out for dinner and a movie? The theaters in Louisville have everything you could want: larger than life entertainment, popcorn buckets the size of your head and a comfortable chair. But what if you wear hearing aids? Assistive Listening Devices Having hearing loss…
Top 5 Symptoms of Hearing Loss
The symptoms of hearing loss appear gradually, as it is a progressive condition. Because of this, many do not realize they are suffering from hearing loss for quite some time. Louisville audiologists agree that detecting hearing loss early leads to the best treatment outcomes. In order to catch your hearing loss early, there are signs…
Hearing Tests for Children
While hearing loss is certainty more prevalent in those over the age of 65, it should be taken no less seriously in the pediatric population. Nearly three out of every one thousand babies are born with some form of hearing loss. In most cases, these hearing issues are not discovered until the child is at…
Hearing Loss from Balloons?
Children’s birthday parties are filled with too much sugar and the occasional roughhousing injury. But what about balloons? A new study found that the sound of a popping balloon can put your child’s hearing at risk. How Loud is a Balloon? A new study by a pair of researchers at the University of Alberta found…
Can You Test Balance?
Have you ever had unexplained episodes of dizziness or felt like you may fall? If so, this is something you should not take lightly. In fact, one out of five falls causes a serious injury such as broken bones or a head injury. If you experience any episodes of dizziness, now is the time to…
What Can Custom Earmolds Do?
You have probably been told by your Louisville audiologist countless times how noise induced hearing loss can be easily prevented by the use of earplugs, specifically custom-made ones. Custom-made earplugs are created from a mold of your ear canal and concha (the outer bowl-shaped portion of your ear). They adhere perfectly to the contours of…
Speech Class
So, you have been told that your child needs to attend a speech class. What now? Who Needs Speech Therapy? First things first, know that many kids in Louisville, Kentucky see a speech therapist. Often, it is a medical condition that makes speaking more difficult. The most common conditions that affect speech are: Hearing loss….
What is a Newborn Hearing Screening?
While hearing loss may seem like a condition that only affects those in their golden years, it can develop at any time. Louisville experts agree that nearly three of every one thousand babies are born with some form of hearing loss. Unfortunately, many of these cases are not discovered until the child is at least…
Implantable Hearing Devices
Hearing aids come in an array of shapes and styles, each one serving a specific purpose. They can be programmed to manipulate sound in different ways to suit the specific needs of each hearing aid wearer. So what happens when your type and degree of hearing loss cannot benefit from traditional hearing aids? That’s when…
Hearing Protection Tips for Fall
Fall has finally reached Louisville! As the seasons change, we urge you to consider changing some of your hearing habits as well. There are a number of autumnal activities that can cause noise-induced hearing loss if you do not wear proper protection. While prolonged exposure to leaf blowers, power tools and sporting events can cause…
Understanding Hearing Loss in Children
We previously posted an article about hearing loss in children. Reports estimate that approximately two to three out of every 100 children are affected by a hearing loss. There are several potential causes for hearing loss in children, ranging from genetics and environmental factors to complications during birth and so on. When a child is…
When should you upgrade your hearing aid?
If you’re like me, you hate to get rid of something when it still technically works. This can be true for socks that have holes, plates that have chips and even headphones that don’t always connect. But some things, like life-saving medications or a device helps you connect with the world (cough, hearing aid, cough),…
Hearing Loss in Children
Can Children Suffer From Hearing Loss? While more common in older adults, hearing loss can affect people of all ages. One of the most vulnerable groups is the pediatric population, as a delay in treatment can lead to problems with a child’s learning and development. There are three main causes of hearing loss in children….
The Future for Children with Hearing Loss
Before the 1990s, the average of age of diagnosis for congenital hearing loss was 2 ½ to 3 years old.1 This often resulted in children missing 2-3 years of language exposure at a critical point in their development. In the late 90s, as diagnostic technology improved, state Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) programs expanded,…
Signs Everyone with Hearing Loss Should Recognize
In order to get your driver’s license in Louisville, KY you must pass a written test. Part of that test quizzes you on road signs. Just as knowing what road signs mean is important to driving well, Being able to recognize these important hearing loss signs to be able to successfully navigate the world. Hearing…
What Happens When Your Child Fails a Hearing Test?
Your child’s hearing is a crucial component of the development process. It affects their social, emotional, and cognitive skills, and plays a major role in language milestones and speech development. A hearing loss can have a big impact on your child’s learning ability, but if the problem is caught early, it can be treated. Hearing…
Like all other medical care, quality hearing care is expensive. While we at Heuser Hearing Institute understand the challenges related to the cost of hearing health care, we believe that building a relationship with a local provider who knows your needs will lead to the best outcomes in hearing care. We also understand that there…
Communication Strategies
After noticing your child was not progressing as fast as other children their age you took them to your local Louisville audiologist to be tested. After a series of tests, you received the news you knew was coming, your child has hearing loss. This is not as uncommon as you may think; nearly three of…
Hearing Aid Brands
Have you ever gotten overwhelmed with the sheer number of brands the store has of toothpaste, yogurt or even tortilla chips? The good thing is that if your choice does not make your teeth sparkle, has a weird good flavor or doesn’t have as much salt as you like, they are all cheap enough to…
The Difference Between Speech and Language
Is There a Difference Between Speech and Language? The terms speech and language are thrown around, almost interchangeably. But did you know there are actually a few key distinctions between these two different skills? If you have a child that has been referred to a Louisville speech pathologist, this is information is especially important. Speech…