Language Delays
Child’s Development of Speech and Language As a Louisville parent, you probably can’t help constantly comparing your child’s development to others. This is especially common in regard to language development and language milestones. If you think your child’s development of speech and language is slower than normal, your Louisville speech pathologist recommends comparing your impression…
Hearing Aid Maintenance
Hearing Aids Need Daily Maintenance What do Phonak, ReSound and Oticon hearing aids all have in common? Besides for being the leading hearing aid manufactures in the industry, all of their hearing aids need daily maintenance to keep them in tip-top shape. Would you buy a luxury car and never change the oil? What about…
When Should You See a Speech Pathologist?
If your child has trouble hearing they see an audiologist, if they have trouble seeing they go to an optometrist; where do you go if your child has trouble speaking? Why See a Speech Pathologist? A speech pathologist’s job is to help prevent, assess, diagnose and treat the following disorders in children and adults: Speech…
Signs Your Child has a Speech, Language or Hearing Problem
Everyone’s child is perfect in their eyes. While it is hard to look past this, when it comes to meeting speech, language or hearing milestones you are going to have to. If your child is in the Louisville area and under the age of three, there are some important questions to ask. Does your child…
What Are Speech-Language Milestones?
Speech-Language Milestones Speech-language milestones help pediatric audiologists identify potential audiological problems by assessing a young child’s communication development. Children all learn and develop differently, so it can be difficult to determine whether a baby’s communication abilities are progressing at a normal, healthy rate. Despite huge variations in the process of early childhood development, infants typically…
Does Your Child Need Speech Therapy?
Types of Speech Disorders A speech disorder occurs when a patient, usually a child, has trouble producing certain sounds. Since this is such a broad term, it is helpful to place a condition into one of four distinct categories; these categories are based on the nature of the speech problem. These four categories are: Articulation…
Signs Your child May Have Hearing Problems
Hearing loss isn’t confined to older adults: children of all ages can experience a loss of hearing. Roughly 3 out of 1000 babies are born with hearing loss, and its prevalence is increasing in adolescents. Noise-induced hearing loss is largely responsible for this increase. If you suspect your child is having difficulty hearing, talk to…
Hearing Aid Misconception
Do you suffer from hearing loss but are not currently seeking treatment? If so, you are part of the 80 percent of the 48 million individuals in Louisville and around the country who could find benefits from a hearing aid but choose not to do so. While your reasons may range from denial or simply…
Does Your Toddler Need Speech-Language Therapy?
As a parent, you often have to walk the line between cautious and paranoid. When your child turns two and is only speaking a handful of words, you might wonder whether he or she is just slow to talk or if your child is experiencing a language delay. A formal diagnosis from a speech pathologist…
Holistic Health Screenings and Language Disorders
Pediatric Hearing Screenings Our ability to hear may sometimes be taken for granted, but it is plays a significant role in a child’s emotional and social development. For this reason, our society has implemented pediatric hearing screenings to identify at-risk infants. However, the possibility for hearing loss may actually be more challenging to detect in…
Innovative Test for Hearing Aid Fittings
Despite our dependency on our hearing, a loss of hearing can often go unnoticed for extend periods of time. Because a hearing impairment occurs slowly over many years, the hearing impaired may become accustomed to their condition before they realize it has affected them. One of the earliest indicators of hearing loss is the inability…
The Connection Between Hearing and Speech Development
It is well-recognized that the relationship between hearing and speech development is critical in the early years of a child’s life. Children learn to use language by listening to the speaking habits of others. Infant hearing loss is therefore detrimental to a child’s early development. When an impairment prevents a child from hearing sound consistently,…
The Hidden Hearing Loss Effect
Each day we all experience sound in the environment. Many of these sounds are low intensity, satisfying, and others are the mundane sounds of life, such as television, radio, household appliances, cars running, traffic, etc. Most of these sounds are at very safe levels and do not cause any danger to hearing. Noise-Induced Hearing Loss We…
Does Your Child Have Hearing Loss?
Our ability to hear may sometimes be taken for granted, but it is plays a significant role a child’s emotional and social development. For this reason, our society has implemented pediatric hearing screenings to identify at-risk infants. However, the possibility for hearing loss may actually be more challenging to detect in older children, who have…
Understanding the Science of Sound in Hearing Aids
The introduction of digital technology to the hearing aid industry has drastically changed the way hearing devices process and deliver sound. Previously, analog devices served as the industry standard for treating hearing loss. These devices were simplistic in their mechanics and offered very little in the way of customization. The development of digital hearing aids…
The Musician Hearing Loss Evolution
As we work through the clinic day, we may find ourselves jealous of our patients with those high frequency hearing losses due to concert their attendance. Often these were the lucky ones with the premier tickets, close to the stage, the musicians, and the speakers as well. As audiologists we now know that those that had…
What Hearing Aid Technology is Best for You?
Purchasing a hearing aid is more complicated than you might expect. Unlike other forms of tech like cell phones, there is no one-size-fits all hearing aid or hearing aid technology. In fact, purchasing a hearing aid is more similar to buying a car. In addition to aesthetics—size, style, color—you also need to consider which model will…
Mapping Hearing Loss Solutions, the charitable arm of the world’s largest search engine, is supporting World Wide Hearing (WWH) to find a solution to what the World Health Organization (WHO) has described as one of the largest disabilities on the planet. Hearing loss. It affects one-third of people over the age of 65 and more than 1 billion young people are at risk for impaired…
What Does Typical Early Language Development Look Like?
Communication delays in children are more effectively treated when there is an early diagnosis. For many parents, especially first-time parents, it can be difficult to detect a delay during the early stages of a child’s development. However, by understanding the key stages of communication and language development, families can better know when to seek help…
Common Questions About Hearing Technology Answered
Hearing loss can be a bit daunting, especially when it’s a brand new experience, and it’s okay to feel overwhelmed. As hearing health professionals, we encounter this on a regular basis. In the hope of educating and empowering our community we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked hearing technology questions. Is there really a big…
Patient Profile – Stephen Miles
Stephen Miles is a Louisville native and has been a Heuser Hearing Institute patient for nearly six years. He’s a former Pro Stock national motorcycle drag racing champion who turned pro at the age of 16. He won his first national championship, The American Motorcycle Drag Bike Championship, in 1982 and has competed all across…
The Connection Between Speech and Hearing
Hearing loss is typically associated with old age; however, individuals of all ages are affected by this disorder. As many as 3 out of every 1,000 children are born with some degree of hearing loss. This can have a direct impact on the development of that child, as hearing plays a critical role in communication…
Meet Speech Therapist Lindsey Nolan
Lindsey Nolan has been a speech-language pathologist at Heuser Hearing and Language Academy for a little more than two years. She works with children in early intervention, school and clinic settings. A native of Elizabethtown, she loves living in Louisville because there’s always something fun to do or a new restaurant to try. Lindsey has…
Understanding Hearing Loss in Children
Reports estimate that approximately 2 out of every 100 children are affected by a hearing loss. There are several potential causes for hearing loss in children, ranging from genetics and environmental factors to complications during birth and so on. When a child is diagnosed with hearing loss, it can be an overwhelming experience for the…
Cochlear Implant Study Gets Underway at Heuser
The Brain and Behavior Laboratory at Heuser Hearing & Language Academy is now open! Currently, Dr. Sharon Miller is collecting data from adult cochlear implant recipients for her “Neural Mechanisms for Listening Through a Cochlear Implant” study. For this study, she is using a noninvasive brain imaging method called electroencephalography (EEG) and measuring the brain’s…
The Science Behind Hearing Loss
You’ve likely heard people in the hearing health industry boast about the amazing advances made to hearing technology in recent years. Hearing professionals claim revolutionary improvements have been made as recently as the past few years, and leading manufacturers of hearing aids Phonak, ReSound and Oticon have recently been applauded for releasing the most technologically…
The Effect of Communication Delays on Academic Performance
One of the most rewarding things a parent can experience is witnessing their child shine in an academic setting. When children excel in school, they often have a greater number of opportunities during their transition into early adulthood. That’s why we do our best to give our children every possible advantage. At Heuser Hearing Institute,…