What Happens When Your Child Fails a Hearing Test?
Your child’s hearing is a crucial component of the development process. It affects their social, emotional, and cognitive skills, and plays a major role in language milestones and speech development. A hearing loss can have a big impact on your child’s learning ability, but if the problem is caught early, it can be treated. Hearing…
Communication Strategies
After noticing your child was not progressing as fast as other children their age you took them to your local Louisville audiologist to be tested. After a series of tests, you received the news you knew was coming, your child has hearing loss. This is not as uncommon as you may think; nearly three of…
Signs Your Child has a Speech, Language or Hearing Problem
Everyone’s child is perfect in their eyes. While it is hard to look past this, when it comes to meeting speech, language or hearing milestones you are going to have to. If your child is in the Louisville area and under the age of three, there are some important questions to ask. Does your child…
What Are Speech-Language Milestones?
Speech-Language Milestones Speech-language milestones help pediatric audiologists identify potential audiological problems by assessing a young child’s communication development. Children all learn and develop differently, so it can be difficult to determine whether a baby’s communication abilities are progressing at a normal, healthy rate. Despite huge variations in the process of early childhood development, infants typically…
Signs Your child May Have Hearing Problems
Hearing loss isn’t confined to older adults: children of all ages can experience a loss of hearing. Roughly 3 out of 1000 babies are born with hearing loss, and its prevalence is increasing in adolescents. Noise-induced hearing loss is largely responsible for this increase. If you suspect your child is having difficulty hearing, talk to…
Holistic Health Screenings and Language Disorders
Pediatric Hearing Screenings Our ability to hear may sometimes be taken for granted, but it is plays a significant role in a child’s emotional and social development. For this reason, our society has implemented pediatric hearing screenings to identify at-risk infants. However, the possibility for hearing loss may actually be more challenging to detect in…
The Hidden Hearing Loss Effect
Each day we all experience sound in the environment. Many of these sounds are low intensity, satisfying, and others are the mundane sounds of life, such as television, radio, household appliances, cars running, traffic, etc. Most of these sounds are at very safe levels and do not cause any danger to hearing. Noise-Induced Hearing Loss We…
Does Your Child Have Hearing Loss?
Our ability to hear may sometimes be taken for granted, but it is plays a significant role a child’s emotional and social development. For this reason, our society has implemented pediatric hearing screenings to identify at-risk infants. However, the possibility for hearing loss may actually be more challenging to detect in older children, who have…
The Musician Hearing Loss Evolution
As we work through the clinic day, we may find ourselves jealous of our patients with those high frequency hearing losses due to concert their attendance. Often these were the lucky ones with the premier tickets, close to the stage, the musicians, and the speakers as well. As audiologists we now know that those that had…
Mapping Hearing Loss Solutions
Google.org, the charitable arm of the world’s largest search engine, is supporting World Wide Hearing (WWH) to find a solution to what the World Health Organization (WHO) has described as one of the largest disabilities on the planet. Hearing loss. It affects one-third of people over the age of 65 and more than 1 billion young people are at risk for impaired…
Understanding Hearing Loss in Children
Reports estimate that approximately 2 out of every 100 children are affected by a hearing loss. There are several potential causes for hearing loss in children, ranging from genetics and environmental factors to complications during birth and so on. When a child is diagnosed with hearing loss, it can be an overwhelming experience for the…
The Science Behind Hearing Loss
You’ve likely heard people in the hearing health industry boast about the amazing advances made to hearing technology in recent years. Hearing professionals claim revolutionary improvements have been made as recently as the past few years, and leading manufacturers of hearing aids Phonak, ReSound and Oticon have recently been applauded for releasing the most technologically…